About Us

Improving Lives by Improving Blood Flow

With over a million applications and three dozen exceptionally positive human medical research studies in over three dozen countries, we are emerging from stealth mode and expanding our sales, marketing, and pivotal clinical trial programs with our  FDA-cleared product line after over a decade of development.

We serve the rapidly growing large demand for our leading platform health technologies on four continents, and soon in space as well.

Our years-long strategic relationships with leading solutions providers around the world with a combined market cap value of over $170 billion lends our operations critical advantages over the competition.

Play Video about DOXYVA Delivers Powerful Results (med)

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Significant Results in 4-8 Weeks | About Us

10 Years of Sterling Evidence

All three dozen completed human studies demonstrated sterling results at prestigious academic research institutions, hospitals, clinics, and at home without a single adverse event report.
D’OXYVA® (deoxyhemoglobin vasodilator) has recorded significant results, delivering major outcomes for over 97% of a wide variety of enrolled patients and regular daily users with complex health complications.

Feel the change fast with significant improvements in as little as 30 minutes. Enjoy rapid and lasting health benefits you can witness, with effects that last over four hours with each 5-minute applications.

Whether you're seeking immediate relief or long-term health outcomes, this device is designed for impactful, enduring health transformations. Make D'OXYVA a part of your daily routine and enjoy a healthier, more vibrant life.

Introducing D'OXYVA | About Us

D'OXYVA Advanced Circulatory Health - Rapid, Gentle Skin Applicator (Dark Gray)

D’OXYVA has proven itself especially effective for the most vulnerable and complex cases in over three dozen human studies during its nearly decade-long clinical research and real-life results in over two dozen countries.

D’OXYVA® (deoxyhemoglobin vasodilator) is the first biotech solution of its kind. It delivers a nearly imperceptible, supersaturated (high-concentration) vapor solution of gaseous molecules adjusted to the pH of the skin for maximum absorption without breaking the skin barrier.

In turn, the autonomic nervous system responds by unleashing protective mechanisms (parasympathetic) in several ways that result in significantly improved blood circulation, beneficial nerve activities and a host of other functions for achieving homeostasis.

In quality pivotal human studies and thousands of real-life users, D’OXYVA has demonstrated to significantly improve macro-, and micro-circulation of blood flow and certain nerve activities in the body such as the autonomic nervous system, which together are widely reported to boost cardiovascular health and fitness and form an effective solution option for many of the most severe and widespread health conditions.

D’OXYVA‘s over-the-skin route of administration has demonstrated a safer, more effective alternative route to inhalation — a routine delivery method in hospitals.

Take your game to the next level and beyond! Significantly improve your stamina and mental clarity in a few weeks.

D'OXYVA logo light

5-minutes of Soft Vapor Solution on a thumb & around affected area

D’OXYVA’s patented solution’s  active ingredient is vaporized ultra-purified carbon dioxide that acts as a catalyst for the body to help improve its functions and heal itself.


Our products are manufactured in compliance with the highest standards.

Ultra-purified carbon dioxide is a non-toxic molecule and can be sold by Circularity online without the need for a prescription.

Measure D'Oxyva perfusion index (peripheral blood flow) with fingertip pulse oximeter

Measure your results with various diagnostic tools with each application and adjust your regimen accordingly. Ask us for tailor-made regimens for best results, and save time and money.

D'OXYVA® Noninvasive
5-Minute Applications

D’OXYVA’s platform solution uses vaporized ultra-purified carbon dioxide that acts as a catalyst for the body to help improve its functions and heal itself.

D’OXYVA‘s over-the-skin route of administration has demonstrated a safer, more effective alternative route to inhalation — a routine delivery method in hospitals.

Purified carbon dioxide is a non-toxic molecule and can be sold by Circularity and online without the need for a prescription. Our products are manufactured in compliance with the highest standards.

Powerful Regenerative Applications Targeting Underlying Conditions

Live your life to the fullest at any age with D'OXYVA

D’OXYVA® uses non-invasive, fast-acting, and full-body regenerative technology you can trust for your most challenging health and cosmetic problems with affordability at heart.

Through a water-based, gentle spray-on solution, this extensively validated modality brings balance (homeostasis) to the body even for the most challenging comorbidities.

The micro-circulation and the autonomic nervous system (ANS) are importantly involved in a variety of pathological conditions, and D’OXYVA has shown to promote major micro-vessel structure regrowth (angiogenesis) and ANS improvements, among other major benefits.

We’re passionate about achieving your health goals!

The ongoing multi-site pivotal evidence collection for D’OXYVA by world-renowned medical scientists was expanded to 18 of the 20 top-ranked U.S. universities, including UCLA, MIT, Yale, Harvard, Drexel, and many others, with a decade-long record of zero adverse event reports.

Discover The Science Behind D'OXYVA®

Product & Science Education

2 Videos

Our Values

Therefore, our mission is to design, develop, manufacture, and market proprietary, advanced, and affordable technologies that significantly improve quality of life by improving some of the most essential physiological functions in the body.

Our people consider the following values are essential to realizing our mission as an effective and efficient organization.

We at Circularity believe in a long-sought-after goal in health care: Access to a single health application that solves most short- and long-term health issues quickly, affordably, without pain, and without compromising other aspects of health.

Therefore, our mission is to design, develop, manufacture, and market proprietary, advanced, and affordable technologies that significantly improve quality of life by improving some of the most essential physiological functions in the body.


Our guiding objective is to serve those who empower our company to deliver the best solutions to patients and consumers who benefit from our products — including our primary stakeholders, health care professionals, and health institutions.


We do what we say and we say what we do to, empowering our company and our people to excel by taking absolute responsibility for every product, services, and solution.


We always listen to those with diverse backgrounds to consistently envision and create meaningful solutions that build value for all people engaged with our company.


We have built our company on the principle of innovative, lean, and collaboratively outsourced partnerships. We provide affordable products with a wide variety of benefits to people worldwide. We are conscientious of the bottom line that enables us safe, steady growth.


Stakeholders praise our agility and precision as we tackle the unique challenges in a global business environment.


We share openly and directly with all stakeholders our company’s activities, including the potential benefits and risks of the products, services, and solutions we offer.


End Pandemics

In line with Circularity Healthcare’s mission to provide real and affordable regenerative health care, we are supporting #Endpandemics, a global alliance to protect and regenerate nature.